From time to time we want to provide special rates to our guests. Keep your eyes on this page if you need a luxury break.
"March Madness"
Book a luxury spring time stay between 9th March 2025 and the 27th March 2025 and receive a 15% discount on your two night stay.
Go to BOOK NOW to grab the best rooms. Enter promo code "MarchMadness" to secure your fabulous spring break.
Alternatively call us direct to take up one of these fabulous offers.
General Terms & Conditions
As you would expect, we have to apply some terms and conditions on our special offers.
We reserve the right to decline bookings once any offer is fully subscribed. Existing bookings may not revert to the offer price retrospectively, and two separate offers may not be combined. Please quote the offer name when enquiring, or the standard tariff will apply. Discounts are calculated using our standard rates.